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Create Azure OpenAI Instance

  1. Go to Azure AI service >> Azure OpenAI
  2. Click Create and configure the details including region of the instance (where your ML model deployment is hosted).
  3. After an instance is created, go to the instance by clicking it on the list e.g. in the first screenshot click “ca-inst”.
  4. Click manage deployment on the left sidebar and click the “Manage Deployment” button.
  5. Click “Create new deployment” to select a model. You need to create two deployments for text-embedding-ada-002 and gpt-35-turbo models. Use the settings as per the screenshot.
    1. text-embedding-ada-002: Create a deployment for the text-embedding-ada-002 model.
    2. gpt-35-turbo: Create a deployment for the gpt-35-turbo model.
      Note: The availability of models varies based on the region and subscription.
  6. Once a model deployment is created (like the 2 deployments on the screenshot above), you will be able to access the model from an endpoint. Go back to the instance created in step 2 and 3. Click “keys and Endpoint” on the side panel to get the API access.
  7. Keep the following information handy for the deployment in the next steps:
    1. AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT: Endpoint URL from step 6.
    2. AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT: Deployment name of gpt-35-turbo model from step 5.
    3. AZURE_OPENAI_MODEL: Deployment model like gpt-35-turbo from step 5.
    4. AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY: Key from step 6, Only one key is needed.