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Cloud Infrastructure

There are 4 stages to deploy PenfieldAI application on cloud infrastructure:

Stage 1 is provisioning cloud infrastructure. PenfieldAI application supports both AWS and Azure cloud infrastructure. Depend on your choice of public cloud, there are three ways you can setup cloud infrastructure:

Azure Marketplace (fastest)

This offering which will automatically setup the cloud infrastructure (except Azure OpenAI) that is required for the application. Follow the instructions for Azure Marketplace deployment.


If you are setting up Kubernetes cluster usign terraform, you can either use your own terraform scripts or you can use PenfieldAI's provided terraform scripts, which can help you to setup cloud infrastructure quickly. If you choose to use PenfieldAI terraform scripts, please go to the respective Gitlab repo below depending on which cloud provider you use.


You can create Kubernetes cluster with the specifications manually. This is not recommended approach unless you manage your cloud infrastructure manually or you use private cloud.

Cloud Architecture Diagram

For the Cloud infrastructure here is the architecture diagram based on your cloud provider:


Once Cloud Infrastructure is deployed using any of the above methods, Please come back to documentation and continue with Azure Open AI setup.